Before and After

The apartment set-up is complete. Here is what it looked like before:
And now:

Some said our all our "junk" would not fit into this apartment, well...fie! Showed you. Down with minimalism!
This is the entertainment section (it literally is just a section):
This is Joel's side of the room:
This is my side of the room
Kitchen before:
Kitchen now:

Bathroom now (I stenciled the columns):

Bedroom now:

This is my favourite corner, with the fairy I bought on the Cape,my Stephanie Pui-Min Law print that Joel had frame for my birthday and the stained glass lamp that my mom made:

So there it is. Now you know what a decent one-bedroom in Brooklyn looks like. Makes you want to move here, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

Your apartment is beautiful!! And I love the lamp that your mom made!


Anonymous said...

I think you did a great job getting everything in place in your apartment. I love the bedroom--the Fairy, the lamp, and----------The T-Shirt Quilt !!!

Anonymous said...

Haven't checked you site for awhile...Awesome! Love your apartment and the Lamp is beautiful!
What a great journey you two are on...I feel the need to get my butt to New York!