Smells and Sounds

Brooklyn is an interesting place, and the sounds and smells add to its character.
Right now I'm listening to someone practicing their trumpet. He/she is just learning and I've been singing along to Old McDonald and other simple songs.

Walking down the street I can smell delicious pastries being baked.

All day long I heard Spanish people yelling and laughing and working at what sounds like an auto repair shop the next street over.

After smelling delicious pastries, I can smell dog poop for half a block, then fresh pizza, then stinky garbage, then the most amazing smelling pancakes and maple syrup. Then poop again.

There is an ice cream truck that hits the street when school's out and circles the neighborhood until 11pm sometimes. It has a nice variety of songs, too!

There is a baseball field right near our place and when there's a game on there are loud cheers in Spanish, the sound of the aluminum bats hitting the ball and the low rumbling of bass from someone's car stereo, likely double parked outside the field with people sitting on lawn chairs on the sidewalk.

And then more loud music from cars, and then Spanish music blasting from an apartment window. The hum of air conditioners. Couples yelling at each other and trains clicking along on the elevated platforms. Police sirens and helicopters and the flapping of pigeons wings. Dogs barking and fighting in our neighbor's backyard!

Thankfully we have well-insulated windows.

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