
Chantal and I got a pamphlet in the mail last week about hurricanes in New York City.

A hurricane in NY could cause some pretty extensive damage due to all the highly developed and coastline. The pamphlet notes that if a major hurricane hit, it could put some parts of New York City under as much as 30 feet of water.

The pamphlet included tips on preparation and also included a map showing what zone we live in. According to the map, we are living in evacuation zone C, the green zone. It says about Zone C:
Residents in Zone C may experience storm surge flooding from a MAJOR (Category 3 & 4) hurricane making landfall just south of New York City. A major hurricane is unlikely in New York City, but not impossible.I should note that we are right on the cusp of a No Zone, in which we would not face a risk of storm surge flooding. Those in a No Zone region are advised to shelter in place.
We've got the pamphlet on our fridge, and will have to put together our "Go Bag" soon!
The Go Bag includes essentials required in case we have to evacuate our area. Hopefully we never have to use one!
In other news, Chantal is incredibly swamped with school work and is painting up a major storm! Thankfully, it doesn't warrant our having a Go Bag or having to evacuate. Although I'm sure she'd like to evacuate her Art History class if she could.
(P.S. Doesn't it bother you when people pronouce the word hurricane as a hurruh-kuhn? Well, it bothers me. Hurruh-KANE!!!)

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