New Yorkers and their yappy little dogs

Today I almost had my finger bitten off by a miniature something or other that sort of looked like a dog. The dog's owner proceeded to make excuses for the dog, unhooking its leash and explaining "now he's not on the leash so he doesn't have to protect himself". I really, REALLY do not care what her excuses were, the dog almost BIT MY FINGER OFF.

Joel and I were then informed by the cashier at the store that this woman was a "famous painter" (Amy Sillman) who sells her paintings for $100,000 apiece, in which case I wish the dog HAD bitten my finger off so I could have sued her ass. Hah.

A dog is a DOG, so train it.

(JOEL HERE: Also, when we got to the cash and were told the dog's owner makes $100,000 for her paintings, I told the cashier "Well, then I guess she can afford obedience lessons!" Zing!)

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