Celebrity Sighting Extravaganza!

What a place to live, this New York City. So many celebrities running around, getting coffee, filming movies, walking dogs and pushing strollers!

Just this week I saw Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman, as well as Brad Pitt and Angelina (and all their kids!) It was crazy! Man!

Okay, I'm lying. I haven't seen a single celebrity since I moved here and I'm a bit disappointed. Maybe it has something to do with my working from home and rarely leaving the apartment?

I don't know if there are any celebrities in my Latin neighborhood, but I think I may have seen Rosie Perez at the supermarket.

You think her voice is crazy? You should hear it in person. Just take a ride on the L train around 3pm when school gets out. All the Spanish speaking teenage Brooklynites talk like that, and faster!

"Billy!! You lost all our (expletive) money!!!" - Rosie Perez in White Men Can't Jump

1 comment:

Solange said...

Ok, I nearly shat myself when I read that you saw my Jake...but then didn't. :( Got a little too excited too early now. :)