Pedestrians Beware!

New York is a crazy place to drive a car and because of that, it makes it an even crazier place to walk or ride a bike.

If I was going to prepare a list for guests as to how to be extra careful in this city it would start like this:
  • Watch where you step. There is dog poop everywhere.
  • Keep your wallets in your front pocket, especially in crowded areas.
  • Drivers have the right-of-way. All the time. Even when they don't. You can never be too careful.

The last point is one I wish to elaborate on today. Coming from a friendly, pedestrian-friendly city like Ottawa it is hard to adjust to the tendencies of drivers in this city. Drivers are aggressive, fast and don't care about you measly pedestrians. They're in a hurry, so get out of their way!

The majority of people here drive ridiculous sized SUVs to bring their dirty clothes to the laundromat. Sure, they could have saved a few bucks, bought a cheaper car and gotten a washer and dryer but this is Brooklyn, where bigger is better.

A lot of people jay-walk in this city and if you don't you are probably a tourist or have a replacement hip. It is not just necessary to look both ways (left and right), it is absolutely necessary to look behind you (down the road from which you just came) in case some wacko decides to turn into you as you cross the street. If you are crossing the street, even with a walk signal, you must look in every direction again. It is not infrequent that bike messengers or Chinese food delivery men ride their bikes the wrong way down the road. They have things to deliver, so get out of their way or suffer General Tao's wrath.

I have put together a couple graphics of the most frequent driving no-no that I have witnessed here. It happens every time I go outside and walk anywhere and I can't believe these stupid people actually pull off this move.

Examine this first figure below:

You will notice that there is a car highlighted in green that is in the Northbound lane. He has a green light. You will also notice the very strikingly handsome gentleman walking on the opposite side of the street across the intersection. He is walking Southwards across the intersection.

Since the pedestrian has the walk signal it is his right of way. The car heading North decides to head West and does so until the pedestrian crossing the road gets in his way. While waiting for the pedestrian to cross, he blocks traffic heading South, so the car outlined in red has to slam on its breaks to avoid hitting the car outlined in green that pulled off this boneheaded move.

Occasionally this bonehead is in a much larger automobile (like a school bus!!!) that blocks traffic in both directions while pulling off this move.

So, if you ever visit New York, be forewarned that although you have pedestrian rights, no driver will honor them and will plow you down at any opportunity.

Next time, read all about the different types of dog poop to avoid and how to clean it off your shoe if you're so unfortunate to step in any.

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